Author: elenawilliams

syndrome of restless legs. Restless legs syndrome symptoms are often annoying and can even be debilitating. To help you live a normal existence, you might consider restless-leg syndrome treatment. The condition is estimated to affect approximately 1 million people around the world. People with restless legs syndrome, especially young people, may mistakenly believe they are hyperactive. But this condition is common. There are many treatment options. Restless legs syndrome can’t be cured. However, there are several treatments that can help to minimize symptoms. These treatments include lifestyle changes, nutritional supplements, and medical devices. The combination of several methods can be helpful for some. Many people can…

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If you’ve struggled to remain awake and productive during the day, then you might be wondering what the effects of this drug are. It’s an artificial stimulant that functions by refueling the brain’s juices and regulating neuropeptides that are found in the thalamus. Neuropeptides are chemical messengers which aid in the transfer of information and function in cognition. When they’re depleted, people suffer from narcolepsy. Armodafinil boosts orexin production. Armodafinil side effects Patients suffering from OSA, SWD, or narcolepsy who suffer from persistent ES might be benefited by the treatment of armodafinil. It has more wake-promoting properties than modafinil and could be an ideal option…

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